AI Solutions for Dental Practice Owners

Know your patients, know your practitioners, grow your business.
Treatment Plan Presentation
Treatment Planning

AI Solutions for Dental Practice Owners

Know your patients, know your practitioners, grow your business.

Your Dental Practice

Practice Workflow

Where CoTreat Fits

What CoTreat Does

Quality Assurance
Treatment Detection
Treatment Presentation
Patient Engagement
Treatment Plan Presentation
Treatment Planning

Know your potential.
Automate Detection and Presentation to increase revenue

CoTreat uses AI powered tools to help you run your practice.

Know your patients to better serve and care for them

Evidence-based insights for quality assurance, finding missed revenue opportunities, and segmentations for marketing

CoTreat creates a data funnel for the clinical workflows in your practice to quantify what was previously qualitative only

Know your practitioners to better support and mentor them

Evidence-based insights for mentoring, CPD, remuneration and recruitment
Know your team is capturing enough data for the workflow.
Know your patients treatments have quality assurance safety net.

Close the gap with CoTreat. Discover evidence-based growth opportunities.

Reveal hidden opportunities not in your books to improve revenue.
Our Partners

96% of practice owners feel supported by Cotreat

With CoTreat, practice owners typically see a 16% revenue improvement
within just one month. More importantly, CoTreat becomes a trusted
member of your team, helping you achieve your business goals with

What practice owners are saying?

Dr Amir Kiaee
Lumino Smiles
"As I get to know the incredible team at CoTreat, I'm continually impressed by the innovative and impactful work they're doing. We integrate CoTreat into our clinic's daily operations, and it has become an indispensable tool for us. I'm genuinely excited about the ground-breaking developments they're working on. It's truly inspiring to witness such authentic Australian innovation in action!"
Dr Toni Surace
Smile & Co
“At my dental practice, we offer individualised care to support the health of each patient. We believe in empowering patients with knowledge about their oral health so they can make informed decisions on treatment and management. Our team works together to provide exceptional patient care. CoTreat supports us in this mission with objective, evidence-based reports that can be used to support treatment planning and is a trusted third party to guide coaching sessions with associate dentists. Overall, CoTreat helps to enhance patient care and the success of our practice.“
Dr John Hagiliassis
Aesthetik Dental & Aorta Australia,
“CoTreat is a game-changer in the dental world. Since integrating it into our practice, we've noticed a remarkable increase in treatment plan acceptance. Patients appreciate the clear, comprehensive plans it generates. making it easier for them to understand their options.This tool has truly streamlined our workflow and boosted our acceptance rates. Highly recommend!”

Book a Free Demo Call

Your patient data is de-identified, safe and secure

We take patient privacy very seriously and are compliant with all APP requirements. We de-identify data before analysing, and only re-identify them upon returning them to your practice account. We will never share data to third parties.

Responsible AI

CoTreat has a dedicated dental research team to ensure the inputs (observations) and outputs (reports) are in accordance with the available scientific evidence base. We also have human dentists ‘verify’ our outputs to de-risk AI hallucinations. We’re also listed as a Class I medical device under TGA.